Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Yarn Bombing : Seni Jalanan Unik, Memakaikan "Baju" Pada Fasilitas Publik

Mendengar kata Yarn Bombing dipikiran kita pasti terlintas pikiran mengenai teroris, nyatanya Yarn Bombing adalah sebuah seni jalanan unik. Bila grafiti adalah menyelimuti dinding-dinding kota dengan tulisan atau gambar melalui cat semprot maka Yarn Bombing adalah menyelimuti fasilitas publik dengan "baju warna-warni". Benang dipintal dengan beragam warna lalu dipakaikan di tempat-tempat publik, biasanya sih di batang pohon, tiang lalu-lintas, dan lain-lain. Dibanding grafiti, Yarn Bombing lebih ramah lingkungan karena mudah dibersihkan. Nah kali ini kami akan menampilkan Yarn Bombing di tempat-tempat atau benda-benda yang tidak biasa.

Pada Tank, wah mungkin biar tentara di dalamnya gak kedinginan kali ya

Step aside graffiti artists. Yarn bombers take their craft to the streets, stitching cozies for everything from bike racks to entire buses

Lubang jalan pun jadi ajang Yarn Bombing

Step aside graffiti artists. Yarn bombers take their craft to the streets, stitching cozies for everything from bike racks to entire buses

Jalan rusak pun kelihatan meriah sekarang

Step aside graffiti artists. Yarn bombers take their craft to the streets, stitching cozies for everything from bike racks to entire buses

Bis di Meksiko City diselimuti benang

Step aside graffiti artists. Yarn bombers take their craft to the streets, stitching cozies for everything from bike racks to entire buses

Ini sejatinya adalah tempat parkir sepeda.

Step aside graffiti artists. Yarn bombers take their craft to the streets, stitching cozies for everything from bike racks to entire buses

Sebuah kursi di kereta bawah tanaH Philadelphia

Step aside graffiti artists. Yarn bombers take their craft to the streets, stitching cozies for everything from bike racks to entire buses

Madga Sayeg sedang membuat Yarn Bombing pada bis umum di Meksiko

Step aside graffiti artists. Yarn bombers take their craft to the streets, stitching cozies for everything from bike racks to entire buses

Karya Madya Sayeg, kali ini berlokasi di Bali, Indonesia

Pemadam kebakaran Vancouver tak mau ketinggalan menghias sebuah pohon yang gundul

Step aside graffiti artists. Yarn bombers take their craft to the streets, stitching cozies for everything from bike racks to entire buses

Mari kita lihat lebih dekat
Disebuah tenpat di Paris
Step aside graffiti artists. Yarn bombers take their craft to the streets, stitching cozies for everything from bike racks to entire buses




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